A selection of INTERVIEWS
Varianty (Ukraine), March 2016.
"Cyril Horiszny received an Order from the Danylo Halytsky Fondation, for his work as a promoter of Ukrainian culture".
TV report on TRK Brody (Ukraine), February 2016.
"What did a French Historian do in Brody ?"
TV program "The artistic palette" (Ukraine), December 2015.
"Cyril Horiszny - a Publisher, a Photographer, a Historian".
La Semaine du Rousillon (France), June 2015.
"Les solériens séduits par les trésors de la culture ukrainienne"
The Correspondent of Halychyna (Ukraine), March 2015.
"Француз Кирило"
Galnet (Ukraine), November 2014.
"Кирило Горішний: Україна цінна тим, що тут є простір, аби розігнатися"
L'ami hebdo (France), October 2014.
"Double culture franco-ukrainienne"
France Info (France), February 2014.
"Cyril Horiszny, photographe : "L'Ukraine veut une réelle indépendance"

France, Lille.
From March 1, 2017.
Cinéma l'Univers. 16 rue Georges Danton.
From March 14 to March 23.
EDHEC Business School.
Presentation of pictures from the collections "The Ukrainians - Between East and West".
Exhibition view
France, Le Soler (Languedoc-Roussillon).
From June 5, 2015.
Martin Vives Cultural Center
Presentation of pictures from the collections "Hutsuly-People
of the Carpathians", "The Ukrainians-Between East and West".
Some views of the exhibition
Ukraine, Kyiv. From April 14 to April 28, 2015.
Group exhibition "Wine and Vineyards" (photo and painting), in the framework of the "French Spring" Festival.
Opening - April 14 at 4 p.m.
House of Metropolitan, museum of the National Preserve "Sophia of Kiev", 24 Volodymyrska Street.
France, Avignon. From October 4 to October 25, 2014.
Maison Jean Vilar
Presentation of pictures from the collections "Hutsuls - People of the Carpathians" & "The Ukrainians - Between East and West"
In the framework of the "Parcours de l’art" Art Festival
Some views of the exhibition "The Ukrainians - Between East and West" (More photos) 

France, Avignon. October 14, 2014, at 6 pm.
University of Avignon, Amphitheatre 04.
Multimedia Presentation “Hutsuls – People of the Carpathians”,
in the framework of the "Parcours de l'Art" Festival.

France, Pézilla (Languedoc-Roussillon).
From May 10, 2014.
Cultural Center
Presentation of pictures from the collections "Hutsuly-People of the Carpathians", "The Ukrainians-Between East and West"

A selection of the latest PUBLICATIONS

 La Croix
|  | 
 La Croix
|  | 
 Neue Zürcher Zeitung
LEOPOL Publishing House

 Greeting card (Christmas and New Year)
|  | 
 Book "Skarbek Theatre, 170 years of History"

Ukraine, Koktebel (Crimea) - From September 20, 2013.
Participation in the project "Wines and Vineyards" (photo and painting).
More information
China, Beijing - From May 20 to May 30, 2013.
Participation in the project "2013 World Photographers Focusing on Beijing".
More information 


 Bejing (coming soon)
|  | 
 Hutsuly (coming soon)
|  | 
 The Ukrainians: between East and West II
|  | 
 Jews of Galicia (Halychyna)
|  | |

A selection of INTERVIEWS
France Info (France), February 2014.
"Cyril Horiszny, photographe : "L'Ukraine veut une réelle indépendance"
Varianty (Ukraine), July 2013.
"Кирило Горішний: Я не намагаюсь показати ідеальне та романтичне зображення гуцулів"
Perspectives ukrainiennes (France), May 2013.
"Cyril Horiszny : Photographe entre Est et Ouest"
Vysoky Zamok (Ukraine), May 2013.
"Кирило Горішний: Україна – terra incognita, а для фотографа це – надзвичайно цінна земля"
Gazeta Wyborcza (Pologne), October 2012.
"Wystawa zdjęć w Rynku - Lwów ma wciąż tajemnice"
ZIK (Ukraine), June 2012.
"Чи наблизив Україну до Європи футбольний червень ?"
Lviv24 (Ukraine), June 2011.
"У Французькому Альянсі виставився Кирило Горішній"
Districtes.info (Spain), December 2008.
"Els Hutsuls, un poble dels Carpats ucraïnesos" 

Ukraine, Lviv. From April 11 to June 1, 2013.
"Hrushevsky" Gallerу restaurant Prospekt Shevchenka 28.
"The Ukrainians - Between East and West”
In the framework of the "French Spring".
Press Review / Exhibition view
France, Paris - June 15, 2012.
City Hall façade (6th arrondissement)
78 rue Bonaparte - Métro Saint-Sulpice
Large-scale portrait of Julia Tymoshenko
More information
Poland, Wroclaw. From May 18 to July 18, 2012.
Tumski Hotel
Ul. Wyspa Słodowa 10.
"Ukraine - A Land of Traditions"
Poland, Wroclaw. From January 21 to March 4, 2012.
Synergia Klub-Gallery
Solny Square, 16.
"The Ukrainians - Between East and West” 

Masterclass (photojournalism)
Ukraine, Lviv - November 14, 2011.
Master's Program in Journalism at the Lviv Catholic University
More information 

A selection of the latest PUBLICATIONS
 Le Monde Magazine
|  | 
 Le Monde
|  | 
 Der Spiegel
|  | 
 Der Spiegel
Books, calendar

 Flexi-in-Security: Labor Migrants in times of economic crisis
|  | 
|  | 

|  | 
 Sur les traces du Yiddishland
|  | 
 Alliance Française (Ukraine)
|  | 

Poland, Wroclaw. From October 3 to October 16, 2011.
Rynek (Market Square)
“Lviv – The little Paris of the East”
More information
France, Cernay (Alsace).
From July 4 to September 3, 2011.
Médiathèque - 15, rue James Barbier.
"Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians"
Exhibition and Multimedia Presentation.
Press Review
Ukraine, Lviv.
From June 6 to September 6, 2011.
Alliance Francaise - 18a, Ohiyenka Street.
"The Ukrainians - Between East and West”
Press Review
Italia, Lodi (Lombardy). May 19 2011 at 21:00.
Sala Carlo Rivolta, Via Cavour 66.
Multimedia Presentation “Hutsuls – People of the Carpathians”
at the "Festival della fotografia etica".
More information
Presentation of photos about Ukrainian migrants in Warsaw
within the "Flexi-in-Security" exhibition about migrant workers
in Europe during economic crisis.
More information
Poland, Warsaw. From May 23 to June 6, 2011.
"Wilanowska" Metro Station
Belgium, Brussels. From May 25, 2011.
Molière Theatre
France, Dijon. From May 2 to May 15, 2011.
La Maison des Associations
Germany, Frankfurt (Oder). From May 1 to May 15, 2011.
Oder Bridge
Sweden, Borås. From Avril 1, 2011.
Immigrant Institutet
Czech Republic, Ostrava. From March 14 to April 13, 2011.
Nádraží Ostrava-Svinov (Ostrova-Svinov Train Station)
Czech Republic, Brno. From February 24 to March 14, 2011.
Náměstí Svobody (Svobody Square)
Czech Republic, Prague. From February 2 to February 21, 2011.
Náměstí Republiky (Republic Square)
An article from "Deutsche Welle" about Ukrainian migrant workers
in the exhibition "Flexi-in-Security".
Poland, Warsaw. From December 12, 2010.
Centralny Dom Kultury (ul. Burakowska 12)
Presentation of pictures from the collections "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians" & "The Ukrainians - Between East and West"
France, Lille. From March 22 to April 30, 2010.
EDHEC Business School - 58, rue du Port.
Presentation of pictures from the collections "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians" & "The Ukrainians - Between East and West"
Ukraine, Lviv. From February 1st to February 28, 2010.
"Sztuka" Gallery
8 Kotliarska Street.
Presentation of pictures from the collection
"Lviv - The Little Paris of the East".
Ukraine, Kyïv. From October 23 to November 5, 2009.
Contemporary Art Centre "Soviart"
22-a Andriyivsky Uzviz.
Presentation of pictures from the collection
"The Ukrainians - Between East and West"
In the framework of the "Kiev Foto Com" Festival.
Germany, Hamburg. From September 18 to October 1, 2009.
Ausstellungsraum in der Marktstrasse 102.
Presentation of pictures from the collection "Hutsuls - People of the Carpathians"
in the framework of the exhibition "[new]kraine".
Spain, Santander. From August 11 to September 1, 2009.
Municipal Center al Desarrollo.
c/ Calle San Jose 10 - Tel. 942 20 31 73
"Hutsuls - People of the Carpathians".
France, Senlis. From May 8 to May 24, 2009.
Gilbert Dufois Gallery.
"The Ukrainians - Between East and West"
In the framework of the "Europe Days".

Spain, Madrid. From March 10 to June 17, 2009.
Centro Hispano-Ucraniano.
C/Antonia Lancha, 50.
"Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians".

Spain, Barcelona. From december 18, 2008
to January 18, 2009.
Cultural Center Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra.
"Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians". 

Web site
www.kyrylo.com - Selected among the best web sites of Ukrainian photographers.
Source : DFoto Magazine (December 2008)

A Selection of Photographs for Interior Decoration.
See pictures

"THE UKRAINIANS - Between East and West"
This project explores through a gallery of portraits a society still unknown and often “caricaturated” in public opinion. It conveys a subjective vision of the Ukrainians
all of them beeing citizens of a young nation under reconstruction. It intends to stir up reflections about the identity of a people, more than 20 years
after their independence.
See pictures

Latest STORIES - Ukraine (Coming soon...)

 Yulia Tymoshenko (New portraits on line !)

 Refugees: Unlimited access (On line !)
|  | 
 Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year in Uman (On line !)

 On the edges of the Black Sea
|  | 
 Viktor Pinchuk - A multimillionaire and an esthete...

 The NewRock'n Roll Literature
|  | 
 Lviv - The "Little Paris" of the East

Poland, Suwalki. From July 22 to August 31, 2008.
PAcamera Gallery
"Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians".
Ukraine, Lviv. From May 2 to May 22, 2008.
The Ethnographic Museum : "Lviv".
In the framework of the "Lviv Days".
Ukraine, Vinnytsya. From May 15 to May 30, 2008.
Museum of Art : "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians".
In the framework of the "Europe Days in Ukraine".
Ukraine, Rivne. From April 15 to April 30, 2008.
Kupchynsky Gallery : "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians".
In the framework of the "French Spring in Ukraine".
Germany, Berlin. From December 20, 2007 to January 15, 2008.
Bereznitsky Gallery
Presentation of pictures from the collection "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians", in the framework of the exhibition "Ukraine-Now".
France, Perpignan. September 2007.
The Congress Palace
Participation in the Collectives' exhibition "Resistance" - in the framework of the "Visa pour l'Image" Festival of photojournalism.

Slide Shows
Ukraine, Kyïv. May 15, 2008.
Ya Gallery : "The Young Photography from Lviv" 
France, Paris. March 25, 2008.
Ukrainian Cultural Center (Embassy of Ukraine in France)

A selection of the latest PUBLICATIONS
 La Croix
|  | 
 La Croix
|  | 
 Terra Economica
|  | 
 Le Monde
|  | 
 The Financial Times

|  | 
|  | 
 Questions de femmes
|  | 
 Questions de femmes

 La Croix
|  | 
 La Croix
|  | 
 La Croix
|  | 
 La Croix
|  | 

 Lviv Today
|  | 
|  | 
|  | 
 Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung
 Schott Glass (Allemagne)
|  | 
 Viktor Pinchuk Foundation
 Café Babel
|  | 
 Der Spiegel
|  | 
|  | 
 Lviv Art
|  | 
 The Financial Times
|  | 
 European Cultural Foundation
 "Visa pour l'image" Festival (Perpignan, France)
|  | 
 Book of the Collectives
|  | 
|  | 
 Embassy of France in Russia
|  | 
 Leopol Publishing House
 Honoured Consulate of Ukraine in Wroclaw

 Lviv City Hall, Ukraine
|  | 
 Lviv City Hall, Ukraine

 Lviv City Hall, Ukraine
|  | 
 Lviv City Hall, Ukraine

Photo agencies
Member of the "Collectif EST" and "OST PHOTO" since 2007.


 The Ukrainians - Between the East and the West
|  | 
 Yulia Tymoshenko – Portraits of a challenging woman

 Political crisis – A Portrait of the “red and blue" protests
|  | 
 Churches of Ukraine - The revival of masterpieces of art

 Women of Ukraine - On the crossroads between tradition and modernity
|  | 
 The UPA soldiers - These controversial heroes

Ukraine, Lviv. From July 26 to August 15, 2007.
At the National Museum : "Hutsuly - People of the Carpathians".
Canada, Toronto. May 3 to May 21, 2007.
At the KUMF Gallery : "8 photographers, 8 approaches"
Presentation of pictures from the collection "Timeless Ukraine".
Poland, Cracow. May 9, 2007.
At the F5 Gallery and the Lecture Hall "ImagoMundi" : "Ukraine Now" (Slide show)
Presentation of pictures from the collection "Timeless Ukraine" in the framework of the Month of Photography in Cracow.
Sweden, Stockholm. From September 23 to November 12, 2006.
The House of Sculpture
Presentation of pictures from the collection "Timeless Ukraine", in the
framework of the Photo Festival "Xposeptember".

A selection of the latest PUBLICATIONS
|  | 
 Le Monde
|  | 
|  | 
 Twoj Styl

|  | 
 Cultures France
|  | 
 Cultures France
|  | 
 Cultures France
 Embassy of France in Russia

The web site www.kyrylo.com was launched in October 2006. It contains pictures and texts in 3 languages (French, English and Ukrainian). Presenting an overview of the author’s work, the site will be regularly updated.

Paris, Lyon, Kyïv, Odessa...
A selection of previous exhibitions, organized before 2007.
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